I'm afraid what others think about me...

Your Question: hi dear. first of all you're amazing & I loved you in saw. you're an inspiration for me & you're very down 2 earth. so my question is: I am single for a longer time now & I think the reason is that I am afraid of what other people think especially my family. you know, when I fall in love I do that with the person, with this persons mind, personality, spirit & not with the gender. I am pansexual & there are so many people out there ( my dad is one of them ) who still don't accept this way of love. there is someone in my life & I think I would love to try but I am so afraid. how can I start giving a sh...t of what other people think about that/me? thank you so much & I hope you have a wonderful & lovely sunday. much love from spain. 

Hi thank you for your question. Firstly, it’s normal to care what other people think especially those we care deeply about. Then the question becomes at what price? What are we giving up because we “think” we know how they will react when we tell them? My sister was afraid to tell our father she was gay and guess what, he embraced her lifestyle and showered her with love for coming out. We can only imagine what someone will think we can never know for sure until we take a risk and let them know in a loving way. I would advise telling your family that you love them so much you were almost willing to sacrifice your own happiness but… You know they wouldn’t want you to do that so you hope they understand (or something along those lines…Whatever comes to you) Give them some time. They may not come around at first, or they may. Miracles happen every day we just need to get out of the way. I wish you well… Life is too short to live so others won’t be offended. Live your best life and you will attract those who appreciate you! xo Betsy


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