Can a relationship work with opposing political views?

Your Question: Do you think you can be in a relationship with someone who has opposing political views to you?

Hi thanks for your question! Yes I do and I have experience with a close family member that has this situation and they do just fine. The most important quality to have in a relationship from my view is good will. If you have that and both people have the intention to put love and peace first then you can voice your views in a respectful loving way without trying to change the other person’s ideas and opinions. After all isn’t it better to be loved than be right? We all look at life from a different lens and that lens can change at times at well. Have you noticed when you’re happy you seem to have no problems and everything seems great and when you’re sad about something or tired or whatever everything seems grim and terrible and you’re more prone to get in fights? Well if you’re going to talk about something like politics or what has been bothering you about what your partner is doing or not doing around the house I would wait until you are in a good mood to bring it up. Have you also noticed that you don’t even want to bring it up when you’re in a good mood? That’s my point! Sometimes it’s better to say nothing and focus on nice things to say to and about each other and leave the controversy alone. It isn’t like you would be picking a fight it’s just easier at a certain point to keep the peace in the relationship and choose your words and the moments to use them wisely. I always recommend “The Relationship Handbook” by George Pransky I think you will understand where I’m coming from after reading it. Hope this helps! xo Betsy


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