How do I not let worrying about my issues ruin my day?

Hi, thanks for your question… It’s a good one! I believe It’s only an issue or a problem if we perceive it that way. Otherwise it's a learning opportunity! With practice we can stop worrying about our troubles and stop trying to find an answer when we are stressed and trust that when our mind is quiet and more relaxed or we are doing something that makes us happy we will come up with an answer or an “insight” to the perceived problem. It’s so amazing when we truly believe that the universe has our back and we will be OK no matter what…. Always… When we get this concept our lives get better!!! When we’re in a low mood we have “low mood thinking” so whenever we’re tired hung over, triggered sad or whatever our thoughts may be worse than they normally would. We actually don’t control which thoughts randomly pop into our head…We have around 60k a day! And we want to believe them because thoughts seem so real… But thoughts aren’t real… It’s best not to buy into the negative ones because they can snowball and ruin our day.  Observe them and let the negative ones slide on by. Let’s hold on to the ones that make us feel good. it’s so much about mood and thought identification and how it effects our reality. Let’s learn to control which thoughts we spend a lot of time on:)


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