How do I have a positive attitude while going through a rough time?

Your Question: How do you keep a positive attitude when going through difficult circumstances?

Hi thanks for your question! There are a lot of tools I can share with you, that I use to have a positive attitude during a rough time. First don’t judge yourself if you are in a low mood or feeling down. We aren’t robots it’s normal to have some rough days. Its ok to have a pity party too sometimes! Just do your best not to complain too much or get wrapped up in negative thinking about what the future might hold. If you’re going to have a future fantasy make sure you come out the winner! I like to envision myself after something tough is resolved having a positive outcome. What I try to do is see the big picture of life. Knowing this is only temporary and it will pass. My son always says “just outlast it.” I think it’s also important to look for something positive. Is there anything about what you are going through that will teach you how to be a better person? Of course there always is! What doesn’t kill us makes us stronger. Have happy distractions in place. My go to is the show “I Love Lucy” that always makes me feel good even when I’m going through dismal times. Make sure you exercise daily even if its doing jumping jacks running-in place or taking a brisk walk. We need endorphins to kick in now more than ever to get blood flowing to the brain and breaking a sweat does that. Make sure you have a support system someone to talk to as much as possible who makes you feel better after talking to them than you did before. It might be a friend a life coach a support group. Make sure everyday to say the things you are grateful for to keep things in perspective. Have faith that the situation will work out the way it’s supposed to and no matter what, know you will always be ok. Find a way to be of service to others. Do a random act of kindness hold a door for a stranger buy someone a coffee. Smile and laugh as much as possible it’s therapy for the soul. Connect with old friends you haven’t spoken to in years. Maybe they are going through a tough time as well. If it helps to journal do that or take a piece of paper and randomly write whatever comes into your head then rip it up afterward. These are action steps to take to make yourself rise up and feel better but truthfully having the knowledge that when we’re in low moods we are going to have “low mood thinking” helps me the most. Thoughts are fake news they aren’t real they are an illusion. Don’t trust the thoughts that don’t make you feel good. They are only thoughts, let them slip away as quickly as they came. When your mind is quiet and you are feeling good you will probably at some point have insight into your circumstance that will make you feel better. I believe generally happy people understand moods and how it affects our thought and creates our reality. So observe your thoughts and let the scary, negative ones go and hold on to the happy positive ones. Hope this helps!


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