What to do about nerves...

Hey! I do speech at school since we have a team. And meets are coming up and I get so nervous. Any advice?
Oh and I am a huge fan of your performance as Jill Tuck in Saw :)

Hi! Firstly thank you for the complement! Concerning nerves, I totally understand where you’re coming from. I used to get so nervous before auditions and it really effected how well I did. I learned some tricks in classes that helped such as holding my breath then inhaling/exhaling really fast 15 times. Try saying to yourself “taste the words.”  Also do what some actors (before a scene) and athletes do… jump up and down in place or do some push ups (even against the wall) to get the nerves out before your meet. Maybe listen to some relaxing or motivating music beforehand. The most important thing for me is understanding that nerves are normal and there isn’t anything bad about them if we use them to our advantage. They create adrenaline which is a good energy source. Now that I don’t audition in person anymore I miss that adrenaline rush (although I still get it before first dates) sometimes it helps to say “ok I’m nervous” out loud to yourself or the team. The more you do it the more relaxed and comfortable you will probably become. Just focus on breathing deeply and relaxing and you will be just fine. Hope this helps!


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