How do I get over my ex?

Your Question: Good morning Ms. Russell, how can I get over somebody after breaking up with them two years ago? She continues texting me every month, sometimes she allows months to passed but then she would surprise me with a text. The second question, I'm writing my second book and I would like to publish it with the first one, I need to proofread it first, what's the process after? Hope to hear from you, GOD bless

Hi! Thank you for your question. I’ve learned over the years, that time heals all break ups especially if you don’t have to see or have contact with them. If you still have feelings for her and as you say she texts you once a month or surprises you with a text the best thing to do in my opinion is ask her to please discontinue contact as you still have feelings for her and it makes it hard for you to get over her. If she continues to contact you then there are two choices. You can block her or just tell yourself she is a friend and there is no chance of anything more. Do your best to get out and meet other people! Life is short enjoy the process of dating new people! I can’t help you with the book because I haven’t finished even one myself yet, but I’m sure you can use google to find some answers there. Good luck!


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